Acacia Business Solutions

Trusts Asset Protection and Estate Tool

A trust can hold real property (real estate) and personal property such as stocks, membership interest held in a Limited Liability Company (LLC), bonds, life insurance, promissory notes, automobiles, guns, coins, bullion, collectibles, cash, and cryptocurrency. A trust can provide for your beneficiaries long after you’ve passed away. Trusts are best used for holding ownership of corporate stock and certificate of membership in an LLC.

How Can Acacia Business Solutions Help?

Or staff and senior advisor are equipped to consult and advise on trust matters with over 40 years of corporate, LLC, charitable foundation, trust, business management, and consulting experience. Many individuals considering a trust will form a Limited Liability Company, Corporation, and or Charitable Foundation. Although Acacia Business Solutions, its advisors and staff are not licensed Attorneys or CPAs. Acacia’s plethora of transactional situations involving trusts, LLCs, charitable foundations, and corporations provide our clients with the necessary insights to make informed decisions that assist in avoiding unwanted problems and catastrophes. Before making any of these decisions, an analysis must be conducted regarding the client’s exposures. Acacia’s consulting and advisory service is available at reasonable rates. Click here

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