Aside from forming a corporation you can start to form an LLC or Limited Liability Company. The LLC is not a corporation but also a business entity in which it has the characteristics of the corporation and partnership liable with the numbers of owners. It is not hard to start forming an LLC or Limited Liability Company as most of you think about. The LLC formation can help you to protect separately your personal assets from your business. This kind of business type is now popular in all 50 states including the District of Columbia.
To form an LLC or Limited Liability Company, it will share with a Corporation but with limited liability and the owners report their shares partnership profit and loss on their personal tax return. It has the availability to pass-through income taxation. Unlike a Corporation, it is more flexible and best for sole proprietorship.
Advantages of Forming an LLC – Limited Liability Company
– The owners’ advantage in forming an LLC is it can help to protect their personal assets from business debts and obligations. The LLC can provide limited liability protection to the owners of the company because they are not normally responsible for the debts of the business of the LLC. It helps to leave the personal assets to become vulnerable in pursuing to pay the business debts and liabilities.
– Another advantage of the owners is, they can separate the report of their share of profit and loss on their tax returns from business tax return. It passed-through the income taxation giving the owners to report the tax return individually.
– Forming an LLC can help your business to create credibility to have potential customers, partners and employees. It has flexible management structure. The business can be managed by owners, partners and members unlike corporations who have officers who manage to look after and make decisions for their business.
– The owners of the business do not need to be a permanent resident of the U.S. An LLC can be owned by individuals and incorporate with other companies. Lastly, LLC does not need to have an annual meeting and other ongoing formalities, but it is recommended.
You can have all of the above mentioned advantages when you decide to form an LLC or Limited Liability Corporation. We can provide all of the benefits that you can have in forming an LLC with us. Select from our plan with basic and complete services. It can save you time and money when you consider our services.
Assets Protection
Consider protecting your assets now with forming an LLC or Limited Liability Company. We can help you to form an LLC easy and fast. We offer the best services that can help you in establishing your businesses. Whether you are starting a new business or you have been in a business as a sole owner or with partners, you want to incorporate your business as an LLC or Limited Liability Company. We guarantee that we provide appropriate information for your business and uphold your entity for you annually.